20th sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon

I began visiting old friends today, finishing unfinished business where possible. I began in Uldah, visiting The Quicksand for a drink with Momodi and Otapa. Afterwards I returned to the Waking Sands to bid farewell to those still holding down the fort, as well as my friends in Vesper Bay.

It’s hard to believe it was but a few short years ago how much time I spent in our little enclave, and how infrequently now I darken its doorstep. That’s the life of an adventurer though. I know it comes with the territory, but it doesn’t make the sting any less.

I am about to take a boat from Vesper Bay to Limsa to begin my Vylbrand leg of the farewell tour. Hopefully I can keep the pace and make it to the Black Shroud and then off to Coerthas, Dravania and then lastly to Ilsabard and Othard.