24th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon

I awoke before dawn noticing the Blizzard had waned and now only still quiet enveloped the highlands. I flew the Zu I was offered to Ishgard. My first stop was to visit Count Fortemps. Apparently news of my arrival made its way through the Brume and to Lord Aymeric who made his way with the swiftness to Fortemps Manor. Ever the gracious host, Count Fortemps had us stay for one of the best meals I had enjoyed in some time, and would like to again.

After we dined and caught up on the goings of the Holy See, I bid farewell to my dearest friends and made my way for the Astrologicum to see my fellow Astrologians one last time before my departure. Leveva and Jannequinard had already read the portents of my arrival and were standing out of doors to greet me. While we made pleasantries some children approached, throwing snow balls and making merry. Good fortunes had finally befell Ishgard, touching even these who were not long ago living in squallor and begging for scraps to eat. I decided to entertain their notion of frivolity and conjured ice orbs and dazzling snow flakes large as my Deneb and sent them dancing over head as they laughed and cavorted.

I noticed the sun was dipping low and dusk was upon us, so I bid farewell to my friends and made my way to the Skysteel Manufactury where Cid had a manacutter with some modifications awaiting to convey me at last to Kugane. Biggs lifted me up with such ease and set me comfortably in the Manacutter and after familiarizing myself with the controls, I made haste towards Kugane with anticipation welling up inside me. To set myself down at the Miqo’tes Tail and see my club after being away for so long was spurring me on, even though I was starting to feel quite exhausted.

It was well after midnight that I arrived in Kugane and stumbled my way to the Miqo’tes Tail. I can see the sun slowly peaking over the horizon, so I will go to bed now. Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day!

Mini Filia in Ishgard