25th sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon

I was awakened at noon by the sounds of clients arriving at the start of the day. I grogilly dressed and made my way out to greet some familiar faces. Hramal, one of the most beautiful Miqo’te I had ever laid eyes on, greeted me and made my favorite breakfast. A simple omlette with cheese and a bowl of wheat porridge with cream and sugar.

No one in all of Aldenard, Ilsabard, or Othard could cook as well as Hramal. Many could come close, but alas that title he held onto without any fear of having it clutched from his well sharpened claws.

I had no sooner finished my meal, when through the door waddled in Tataru and her Hyur Cohort Hancock. After being filled in on the recent goings on in Kugane and Shirogane, they politely bowed out and returned to lining their pockets. I took my leave not long after and made my way to Doman Enclave.

Lord Hien greeted me and we discussed the progress made in Bozja. While some progress had been made in restoring things post Garlean retreat, news had been sparse especially when concerning Dalmasca. While I am very much concerned with the goings on there and in Werlyt, there simply isn’t enough time for me to busy myself on that, at least for the time being.

By the time we made it back to the aetheryte plaza, the sun had dipped below the horizon. For now I am going to make my way back to Limsa before the apointed day. I am not sure when next I will log as the journey back to Vylbrand will be most uneventful. I suspect when next I write I will be cutting through the waters on my way to the New World.

Minifilia in Kugane Market